The differences are really starting to show..

In the aftermath of Norwich defeat , Taylor has focussed on our failings and where we didnt make the most of the opportunity that presented itself. You can imagine that he will be talking to the players all about learning lessons and trying to turn a negative into a positive

Barton would I am sure have been much more emotional and talked about how we were so unlucky and wronged by the referee. There was the penalty that should not have been given, the offside, the handball and the chances that were missed. They are all very valid but they dont change the result.

As fans we kind of want to hear the Barton excuses because they make us feel good about our team but you get to the point that it is happening after almost every game and you realise that we are either the unluckiest club in the world or maybe we just think that we are and therein lies the rub.

Unlucky people tend to lack resilience and expect things to go wrong whereas people who don’t dwell on what might have been look forward and think – what could I have done better?

It is all very well being proud of the team – but we lost because we didn’t take our chances and Norwich took theirs. Succesful people celebrate their victories and are not proud to be a loser no matter how well they played.

Recently and historically Rovers have been good runners up – a nearly team as Matt Taylor calls it .

It’s a mindset that needs to change and whilst Taylor’s manner may not curry favour with certain players – it will with the grafters who want to win and surely that is the type of player we want on our team .

Taylor may privately feel wronged or unlucky but he is not going to admit that in public or dwell on it because he is from the school that believes that you make your own luck. 

Things dont change overnight but change they must if we are to get anywhere.

The views and opinions are as usual are my own- who else would want them? 



and breathe..